Monday, August 16, 2010

Entry of Doubt, Followed by a Declaration of Confidence

All I want to do is redo songs.
I'm always listening to songs and thinking of a different way to do them. It occupies quite a bit of my daily thought. Makes me second guess a lot.


I'm just going to say it:
I'm not excited for college. I'm ready. I need to go. But I'm not happy about it. Too bad I leave Wednesday.


I feel the need to create, but I never can. I can never write or compose anything of worth. What makes me think I can work in film? I don't really have any sort of vision. No trademark style. All I have is underdeveloped ideas and the uncanny ability to mimic. That doesn't get anyone anywhere.


Well, let's go.
Time to make something of myself.
Time to carve out my place.
I suppose I'll find the tools along the way.


"Hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on. Regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all. Nothing's like before."

Just channel Square, just channel Square.

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