Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who Slipped Novocaine Into My Pepsi?

I only ask because my brain seems to have gone numb.


Here I am, blogging out of pure boredom. I thought about playing Dragon Age, but I'm not really in the mood for that I guess. I wonder if Ash will every get her headphone jack replaced? Probably not. She may have every intention, but it won't happen. It's not like I don't like her music. Well, for the most part I'm fine, but if I have to hear another man whine (not sing) about his love for Jesus, I may just go see Jesus.


As you can probably tell, I'm not in the best mood right now. Everything that could possibly annoy me is doing so. I really think I'm just irritable because I haven't had band in two days. That and I really miss Colleen.


There was blowout last night. I think I let loose more than I meant to, but I don't regret a word I said.


My brain is melting right now.


I'm just pissed, I guess.
So pissed.

I wonder what would happen if I screamed?


4:36 Correction:

I just don't know what to do with myself.
I can't pour it out into a song because they are here.
I can't pour it out here because they read it.
Although, it's not like I can actually formulate anything into a sentence.
It's not like a new color, it's the new you.

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